Creating a new branch based on a pre-existing one:
svn copy
Quickly see what files will be merged before actually doing a merge:
cd my_checked_out_repo
svn merge --dry-run -r123:HEAD
Merging a single commit (the closest thing I can find to a GIT cherry pick):
svn merge -c 123
svn merge -c 124 -c 126
svn merge -c -r123:126
You can even just grab the part you need within a revision
cd trunk/path/to/file.rb
svn merge -c 123 http://../branches/mybranch/path/to/file.rb file.rb
Say I want to merge my branch into trunk or another branch. I first want to find the revision where my branch actually first became a branch. To do it, use the --stop-on-copy flag.
cd my_checked_out_repo
svn log --stop-on-copy
The result is that I split my branch at revision 123
This gives me a revision number to start from - then:
cd path/to/trunk_or_branch_to_merge_into
svn merge -r123:HEAD
There may be conflicts. I choose to postpone them so I can do a side by side diff and merge. I use Rubymine for this - but there are other good tools like kdiff3 (excellent tool)
Say you want to move to an entirely new Subversion repository and you want a brand new clean slate - no past revision info - just code:
svn export clean_export
svn co new_project
cp -r clean_export/* new_project/trunk/
cd new_project
svn add *
svn commit -m "First clean slate commit"
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