Friday, March 1, 2013

Install MySQL 5.6 with Memcached plugin on Mac OSX using Homebrew

I'm really excited about having MySQL as not only my relational database, but also a key/value, No-SQL store. And to top it all off, memcached is tied into it.

Installing this with Homebrew is as easy as punch.

brew install --enable-memcached mysql

Now, take a look in this folder: /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.6.10/share/mysql

You'll see a file named innodb_memcached_config.sql

Run that sql on your db: mysql -uroot -p < innodb_memcached_config.sql 

Now, install the plugin:

mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN daemon_memcached SONAME '';

This should work if you added the --enable-memcached flag. The file should exist in your /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.6.10/lib/plugin folder. 

Confirm that the plugin is installed with:

mysql> show plugins;

At the bottom of the list, you should see:

| daemon_memcached | ACTIVE | DAEMON | | GPL |

Restart mysql. Memcached is now running at port 11211

Keep your eyes open for future posts on mixing this into a Rails application.